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Closing the doors in your home can save lives. Do you close your bedroom door before you go to bed? Have you heard of the phrase “close before you doze”?


Growing up my parents always reminded me to close my door after leaving a room. I thought they were just being annoying. Little did I know that a closed door keeps carbon monoxide levels down and also isolates the spread of the fire.

The UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FSRI) started the “Close Before You Doze” campaign to remind people to close all their doors in their homes before they go to bed.

Look at this video that shows the dramatic difference that closing a door can make. There is an obvious difference in damage to the home with the closed doors and the open doors.


How does shutting your door make an impact?


Shutting your door cuts off the fire’s oxygen supply and can prevent a fire’s spread and growth. This doesn’t require any money or any major effort.

In tests, the UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FSRI), found that a closed door made a potentially life saving difference.

For instance, the closed door room:

  • Had a more survivable temperature of less than 100 degrees
  • Less toxic carbon monoxide levels
  • Livable oxygen level

In comparison the opened door room:

  • Had a less survivable temperature of 1000 degrees
  • Extremely toxic carbon monoxide levels
  • Low oxygen level

You have limited time to act once a fire starts. Closing your door takes a second and can give you extra time to escape in case of a fire.

The UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FSRI)

Fires have become more dangerous. In the 1990s you had about 30 minutes to escape a house fire. Now? The UL estimates that you have maybe 3 minutes or less to get out of a modern, contemporary home.


Why are fires getting worse?


A lot of new construction materials, home furnishing and house layouts are to blame. Modern and contemporary buildings are often built with synthetic materials. These synthetic materials and furnishings catch on fire faster and burn faster. This allows the spread of the fire to increase and toxicity levels rise.

Closing your doors doesn’t take much effort but it does require behavioral change. Getting your family onboard is important in making this simple step, much more effective in case of a fire.


Here’s are 3 fire prevention tips on how to show your family the ropes:


  1. Educate your family on the importance. Show them this video and explain why they need to start doing this every night at bedtime.
  2. Demonstrate how. Do as I say, and as I do. And have fun! Here’s a flyer that helps kids understand all the benefits a closed door can have in a fire. Color crayons are required.
  3. Do a walk-through and create a fire exit plan in case of an emergency.

Do you close your doors before you go to bed? Join our staff in taking the pledge! Join the Closed Door Crew Here. Closing your doors at night is one of the best, easiest, and cheapest fire precautions you can take.


Harry’s Locksmith is committed to ensuring that the highest standards of the industry are always maintained. Learn more about us and our services here. If you have questions about your fire rated doors or commercial door hardware, please contact our certified fire door inspector Scott Jeli.